Links - Astronomy

Science Daily : Astronomy News
A search of Science Daily online science magazine for the terms ""astronomy news"
Nick Strobel's Astronomy Notes
Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence Cosmology Galaxies stellar evolution Stellar Structure Planetary ScienceTelescopes Einstein's Relativity Newton's Law of Gravity History of Astronomy
Awesome Library : Astronomy
Asteroids Astrobiology Black Holes Comets Earth Exosolar Planets Extrasolar Planets Galaxies Jupiter Mars Mercury Meteors and Meteorites Missions Moon Nebulae Neptune Pluto Quasars Saturn Solar System Space Stations and Shuttles Stars Sun Telescopes UB313 Universe Uranus Ve
DmozTools: Astronomy
includes access to archaeoastronomy, astrophysics, calendars and timekeeping, cosmology,eclipses, extrasolar planets, extraterrestrial life, solar system, star clusters, stars, and much more.
History of Astronomy: Index of Persons
Currently, the following pages contain more than 4600 different links to external documents for more than 1750 persons or on general items.
LOC: Women in Astronomy: A Comprehensive Bibliography
The Library of Congress, Science Reference Services, offers this bibliography dealing with aspects of women astronomers.
Science Daily: Astronomy News
Check Science Daily fpr the latest developments in astronomy.
NASA: Astronomy - Meteors & Meteorites
Little chunks of rock and debris in space are called meteoroids. They become meteors—or shooting stars—when they fall through a planet's atmosphere; leaving a bright trail as they are heated to incandescence by the friction of the atmosphere.
Science News: Competing ideas abound for how Earth got its moon
The moon’s origin story does not add up. Most scientists think that the moon formed in the earliest days of the solar system, around 4.5 billion years ago, when a Mars-sized protoplanet called Theia whacked into the young Earth.
Science Reference Services: Astronomy
Includes astronomy news & e,vents, sun & solar system,
planets & planetary system, near-earth object extrasolar systems, seti, observatories & telescopes. and online journals.
Famous Astronomers
Includes Eratosthenes, Claudius Ptolemy, Galileo Galilei, Copernicus, Sir Issac Newton, Edmond Halley, Giovanni Cassini, Charles Messier, William Herschel, Harlow Shapley and a few more!