Links - Cartoon Art

A great source for online comic strips : 9 Chickweed Lane Andy Capp Arlo and Janis B.C. Ben Betty The Born Loser Brevity Committed Dilbert The Dinette Set Drabble Ferd'nand Flo & Friends Frazz Get Fuzzy Grand Avenue Jump Start Lola Luann Marmaduke The Meaning of Lila Momma Off The Mark
Periodic Table of Comic Books
Welcome to the Periodic Table of ComicBooks. Click on an element to see a list of comic book pages involving that element. Click on a thumbnail on the list to see a full comic bookpage. Comic book covers
WorldCat: Comics
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WorldCat: Manga
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MAKE BELIEFS COMIX! Online Educational Comic Generator for Kids
Provides people of all ages with ... the resources to make their own comic strips. educational games online teaching tools .. drawing cartoons cartooning
Comic Book History (1950s): Why My Mother Threw Out My Comic Books
By Adam Blatner
Cartoon Fundamentals: How to Draw a Cartoon Face Correctly
The basic cartoon shape is a circle. Circle Is All You Need (besides Love, of course). It's from the circle that you define the basic proportions of your character's head.
A Brief History of Political Cartoons
Benjamin Franklin's "Join or Die", which depicts a snake whose severed parts represent the Colonies, is acknowledged as the first political cartoon in America.