Links - Design & Decoration

NYPL Digital Gallery : Interior Design Images
Interior Design Images
Metropolitan Museum of Art : Design, 1900 - 1925
North America 1900 2000 A.D. Europe Modern and Contemporary Art Twentieth Century Arts of United States Vessel Box Implement Tableware Furniture Chair Morris William British 1834 1896 Nouveau Guimard Hector French Knox Archibald 1864 1933 Pavel Fouquet Georges Dunand Jean Ruhlmann Emile Jacques Pon
Design Photographs
Design Photographs from Flickr
Lib. of Congress : Architecture and Interior Design for 20th Cen. America
Interior Design architecture architectural images architectural Photographs exteriors homes, stores, offices, factories, historic buildings
Bauhaus Museum of Design
architectural plans and maquettes, artistic photography, documents, the photographic archive on the history of the Bauhaus
WorldCat : Design & Decoration : Interior Design : Ornamentation
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